save a cell to h5 file in matlab

8 次查看(过去 30 天)
How can I save a 1x2000 cells with each cell is a 21x512 matrix into a h5 file in matlab ? It saves all the cells as 1x2000 double and all of them are zeros. I want to save the cells in h5 file to use it in python, if there is another way to do it please let me know, appreciate your help.
for i = 1:length(idxtrain)
x_train{i} = img_array_prec{idxtrain(i)}(:,:,1);
for i = 1:length(idxtest)
x_test{i} = img_array_prec{idxtest(i)}(:,:,1);
savefileh5 = 'traintest.h5'
h5create(savefileh5,'/train/x_train',[size(x_train,1) size(x_train,2)]);
catch ME
warning('File already in folder');
x_train1 = h5read(savefileh5,'/train/x_train'); %it gives double

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