Unable to load the externally saved test harness

33 次查看(过去 30 天)
While building a test sequence for a plant model, Matlab crashed. Upon re-launch all of my externally saved test harnesses (146 in total) are no longer linked to the base plant model, stating that it could not find test harness 'harness_name.slx' for 'base_model'. Is there a way to link them all back together without having to rebuild each of the 146 harnesses? Thank you.

回答(2 个)

Donovan McGraw
Donovan McGraw 2021-5-12
There may be an easier way to resolve this, but in case anybody else has this problem also the following is what worked for me:
  1. If 'base_model_harnessInfo.xml' is missing, create a dummy test harness and build it, which will generate the xml file
  2. open the harnessInfo.xml and take note of the HarnessUUID field in the Harness section
  3. Copy the Harness section and past it as a new Harness section within the same xml file. so the format will roughly be
4. In the Matlab command window type the following : get_param('YOURHARNESSNAME','HarnessUUID')
5. The result should take the format of the UUID noted in step 2
6. Copy/Paste that HarnessUUID into the respective field of the new <Harness> ... </Harness>

伟任 2023-7-5
not work


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