Using FSCANF to read and extra data into matrix

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My data has 6 columns and 10 rows of data. Columns 1, 3, and 5 consist of numbers expressed in decimal. Columns 2, 4, & 4 consist of non-numeric texts.
It looks like this:
Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 Col5 Col6
01 text 123 text 123 text
02 test 456 text 456 text
How do I use use a single FSCANF to read the three numerical columns into a 10x3 matrix, extract and display the individual columns?
Thanks in advance.


dpb 2013-7-24
fmt=[repmat('%d %*s',1,3) '\n'];
A = fscanf(fid,fmt,[3,inf])';

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