Creating Notch Filters Cheby1 and Butterworth

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I'm trying to create both a Chebychev Type 1 and Butterworth Notch filter. The filters have to produce a min attenuation of 60dB at 10Hz, with a rippe of .01dB. However, my output does not look like a typical notch filter after filtering, using cheby1 for example. What am I doing wrong?
clear;close all;
%Setting up signal:
fs = 200; %Sample Frequency
Ts = 1/fs; %Sample Period
t = 0:Ts:9.9950;
x = load("data2.txt");
b = cheby1(2,.01,.1)
x2 = filtfilt(b,1,x)


Terry Carney
Terry Carney 2021-5-15
I figured it out... :)

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