Hi Tejas,
We can optimize the code by improving the following key factors:
- Precomputing Random Locations: All random locations are generated before the loop, reducing runtime overhead.
- Vectorized Logical Indexing: Agents are processed in batches using logical indexing, which is faster than iterative loops.
- Batch Updating: Agents that found a reward and those that did not are updated in separate batches, leveraging MATLAB's efficient handling of array operations.
- Direct Assignment: The starting position for agents returning with a reward is assigned in one operation, rather than in a loop.
The optimized MATLAB code is as follows:
% Initialization
num = 10; time_limit = 10000;
agent = array2table(zeros(num,4),'VariableNames',{'loc','prev_loc','loc_time','collected'});
env = randi(10,10,10); env(1,1) = 0;
agent.loc = ones(num,1);
% Collect rewards one-by-one
agent.loc_time = ones(num,1);
% Precompute random locations
random_locs = randi([2, numel(env)], num, time_limit);
for t = 1:time_limit
% Find agents that have reached their position at time t
active_agents_idx = find(agent.loc_time == t);
% Check for rewards at the agents' locations
rewards_available = env(agent.loc(active_agents_idx)) > 0;
% Update agents that found a reward
agents_with_reward_idx = active_agents_idx(rewards_available);
% Update agents that did not find a reward
agents_without_reward_idx = active_agents_idx(~rewards_available);
if ~isempty(agents_with_reward_idx)
[agent(agents_with_reward_idx,:), env] = return_with_reward(agent(agents_with_reward_idx,:), env);
if ~isempty(agents_without_reward_idx)
[agent(agents_without_reward_idx,:), env] = find_reward(agent(agents_without_reward_idx,:), env, random_locs(agents_without_reward_idx, t));
function [agent,env] = find_reward(agent,env, random_locs)
agent.prev_loc = agent.loc;
% Use precomputed random locations
agent.loc = random_locs;
% Find time to get there
agent.loc_time = agent.loc_time + abs(agent.loc - agent.prev_loc);
function [agent,env] = return_with_reward(agent,env)
locs = agent.loc;
% Vectorized update to environment and agent properties
for loc = locs'
env(loc) = max(0, env(loc) - 1);
agent.collected = agent.collected + 1;
agent.prev_loc = locs;
% Return to starting position
agent.loc = ones(size(agent.loc)); % Assign an array of ones
% Find time to reach
agent.loc_time = agent.loc_time + abs(agent.loc - agent.prev_loc);
The optimized code runs 5 times faster than the original code by using the above methods.
You may refer to the following documentation links to have a better understanding on vectorization and precomputing arrays:
- https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/matlab_prog/preallocating-arrays.html
- https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/matlab_prog/vectorization.html