How to multiply 8*8 data sets elementwise?

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I want multiply with 1.02 each and every element so new table will be 8*8. How one can use for loop?


David Fletcher
David Fletcher 2021-5-24
If you're just multiplying by the scaler of 1.02 then
will do what you want without a loop
  5 个评论
David Fletcher
David Fletcher 2021-5-24
Just to expand on the information above - your original data was stored in a table. You can't apply the times (*) operator directly on the table, so writing
extracts all the data in the table into a matrix. Holding the data in a matrix allows you to apply the times operator to multiply the elements by 1.02. However, as mentioned above, to access the data in a matrix you use the normal indexing with parenthesis () - using brace {} indexing on a matrix will cause the error you experienced. It can be confusing - you just need to be aware of what your data is stored in, and use the appropriate indexing for the task.


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