X-ray diffraction (XRD) Base line removal

121 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello all,
I am a material engineering student and we have to analyse x-ray diffraction data. What happens with this type of analysis is that the data have a baseline, that must be removed for correct analysis. The image below demonstrates such line (all above zero and a slight upwards shift on left side...though sometimes can be a lot worse!).
What we do is, in Microsoft Excel, just select various points throughout the data (NOT ON ANY OF THE PEAKS, just the "flat" parts) and plot a graph with those selected points, determine it's function by trendline (whatever fits best...polynomial, power function...), create a column with f(x) values and subtract from our original y values.
Once this function is determined, we plot the "new" y values
As you can see, no more baseline (flat parts are at approximately zero, and no upward tendency towards the left).
I want to be able to plot using MATLAB, and have no difficulties doing such. However, when it comes to removing the baseline, I still have to use MS Excel to find a suitable fuction in MATLAB...is there anyway I could do that directly in MATLAB? Or is it easier to carry on doing in Excel, and just copying the function? Any help is greatly appreciated and I can clarify any confusion, thanks.


Star Strider
Star Strider 2021-5-25
See if the detrend function will do what you want. (This appears to be a relatively straightforward application of it.)
More sophisticated approaches are available if necessary, specifically using a highpass (or bandpass) filter to eliminate the baseline variation, baselline drift (and high-frequency noise), if necessary.
  8 个评论
Herbert Middleton
Herbert Middleton 2021-5-29
Wow, I can't thank you enough. I've just tested it out and have managed to do 15 XRD plots without any baseline really quickly !! Amazing!
Star Strider
Star Strider 2021-5-29
As always, my pleasure!
Thank you!
(A Vote would be appreciated!)


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