how I get the correct output

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi everyone,
I am trying to run the two switch forward dc-dc converter with the following parameter R=0.03 ohm, L=4uH ,C=470uH , Vin=400v , Fs=100KHZ , Transformer turn ratio N=3:I , duty cycle 0.332, but i cant get the correct output which is equal to 44.26 according to ( Vo= Vin* duty cycle / N ) , how I can solve this issue?
  3 个评论
tasneem bawaneh
tasneem bawaneh 2021-5-27
Ok , Check your e-mail , thank you
Mohammed Shariq Ayjaz
编辑:Mohammed Shariq Ayjaz 2021-5-28
Assalamualikum. I have modelled fwd converter as per question in Power Electronics by D Hart. You can edit in that


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