Where is the generated c/c++ code for matlab function block

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
since a matlab function block generates c/c++ exe when I run the simulink model, where can I find the generated code or exe?
Thanks for your attention.

回答(1 个)

Urmila Rajpurohith
Urmila Rajpurohith 2021-5-31
When you generate code for a MATLAB function block you will notice that a folder named "slprj" folder in the current directory which contains the generated code.
If you do not want the slprj and MEX-files to be generated in your current directory, it is possible to go in the Simulink Preferences and specify a Simulation Cache Folder and a Code Generation Folder to be used instead of the local directory.
Hope this helps!
  1 个评论
Jiangfeng Liu
Jiangfeng Liu 2021-6-3
Hi, thanks for you reply. But I have checked the folder slprj and there is no c/c++ source files or MEX-file.



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