I have processed the data and tried to plot 5 different bands (Band 1:5) against gps data on geoplot. However, I was not sure how to classify among bands on the plot, so I concatenate all the 5 bands (5301x1 cell each) data into one array (26505x1 cell). Then after normalising the data (removing the unassigned/empty values), I plotted the data against Lat and Long which were respective to the reading.
Now, I want to know which reading belongs to which band at what location. Would it be possible to classify from the map by putting markers by selecting specific number of rows to segregate 5 different bands data?
Here's the part ot the script relevant to plot which I tried:
datavector_normalized = (combined_output - scale_bounds(1))/scale_diff;
datavector_normalized(datavector_normalized < 0) = 0;
datavector_normalized(datavector_normalized > 1) = 1;
datavector_normalized(isnan(datavector_normalized)) = [];
map_colors = colormap(jet(scale_diff+1));
mapval = ceil((datavector_normalized)*scale_diff);
for n = 1:length(datavector_normalized)
if ((output_longitude(n)~=0) && (output_latitude(n)~=0))
mycolor(n,:) = map_colors(mapval(n)+1,:);
geoplot(output_latitude(n), output_longitude(n), ...
'Marker', 'o', 'Color', mycolor(n,:), ...
'MarkerEdgeColor', mycolor(n,:), ...
'MarkerFaceColor', mycolor(n,:))
title('Geoplot for 5 bands)')
While it may be a little vague but I hope that I am making some sense with the query.
Please let me know if I can seperate the data with the markers on the map to classify among bands. or is there is any better way to do so.
Looking forward to the suggestions.