Hi! Brefly, I have some latencies of neurons that i want to represent in a circular plot, the total circle representes an interval of 300ms an the latencies goes from the origin to the correspond angle as a clockwise.
For example if 300ms is 360° then 150ms will be an angle of 180°, like:
latencies= [50; 240; 151; 122; 170];
for r=1:size(latencies,1)
angles=[60; 288; 181.2; 146.4; 204];
I think compass is the more accurate to what i want to do, but in the example i really dont get how the "v" varible works when I see the graph in my case "u" will be the same number because i dont want to put another magnitud for now
u = [5 3 -4 -3 5];
v = [1 5 3 -2 -6];
Do you have some suggestion?