help solve, MATLAB returns solve not found, what to do?

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when asking for help about solve or syms command, MATLAB returns solve not found, or syms not found. Probably the Symbolic Math function toolbox is not working. Reinstalling MATLAB R2009a, doesn't solve the problem.
  2 个评论
Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov 2013-8-23
[EDIT] Comment by Arindum
Yes, and all other programs including simulations are working well.



Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2013-8-23
You either have not installed the Symbolic Toolbox, or you do not have a license for it, or it is not on your MATLAB path.
which -all solve
to see if you have the solve routine but there is no license for it (it will say "no license")
to determine which toolkits you have installed.
Note: The Symbolic Toolbox license is included with MATLAB Student Version, but the toolbox is not installed by default. For the Academic and Professional licenses, the Symbolic Toolbox license is not included and must be purchased.

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David Sanchez
David Sanchez 2013-8-23
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Try to find the documentation of syms and solve commands. If they do not show up, obviously there was a problem during the installation and they are not present on your system.
I am assuming the corresponding tool-box has been installed. Even when you can not get the help for solve and syms, can you use them in your command line?


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