Timetables inside table are not updating correctly

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I'm trying to fill a table with timetables and scalar values (for Diagnostic feature Designer APP input) and I'm having some troubles defining the table.
I 'm using the following to create the table; where MatStruct is a structure (output of dir()) that contains the directories and filenames of the .mat files that I want to load and read.
sz = [length(MatStruct),4];
varTypes = {'timetable','timetable','timetable','double'};
DataTable = table('size',sz,'VariableNames',{'channel1','channel2','channel3','ConditionVar'},'VariableTypes',varTypes);
At this point the table is created properly, so I start to load and read the actual data onto the table:
for i=1:length(MatStruct)
dt = diff(TIME);
dt = dt(1);
ch1 = array2timetable(channel1,'SampleRate',1/dt);
ch2 = array2timetable(channel2,'SampleRate',1/dt);
ch3 = array2timetable(channel3,'SampleRate',1/dt);
DataTable(i,1) = {ch1};
DataTable(i,2) = {ch2};
DataTable(i,3) = {ch3};
DataTable(i,4) = {ConditionVar};
For some reason, the first 3 columns (timetable columns) of the table are not being updated with ch1, ch2 and ch3; they keep the inital 1x0 timetable that appeared once the table was created. The fourth column scalar values, 'ConditionVar', is working fine (code not shown).
ans =
[1×0 timetable]
Whereas, if create the table as
DataTable = table()
The table ends up with the correct values, but I can't name table's variables so it is a bit messy when using the APP.
ans =
{5383×1 timetable}
I would like to understand why my created timetables are not being updated onto the table.
Thank you very much,
  4 个评论
pcm314 2021-6-15
Hello @dpb,
The reason of putting timetables (followed by a condition varible which can be a scalar or a categorical variable) inside a table is because, as far as I know, is te best way to input data to the Diagnostic Feature Designer APP of the Predictive Maintenace toolbox.
Here you can see how input data should look like:
Thank you very much
dpb 2021-6-15
With R2020b here I can't find any syntax that will let me enter a timetable of multiple rows into a table as a collapsed variable with only one auxiliary variable the way that example shows.
Which release do you have/does the sample app require? I didn't go searching, not having that app, but is there another page that goes with it that shows how that sample dataset was created?
Whatever I do, I run into the problem
>> T=table('Size',[1,2],'VariableTypes',{'timetable','double'})
T =
1×2 table
Var1 Var2
_______________ ____
[1×0 timetable] 0
>> T(1,1)=tmp
To assign to or create a variable in a table, the number of rows must match the height of the table.
>> whos tmp
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
tmp 8x1 1118 timetable
>> T=table(tmp,0,'Size',[1,2],'VariableTypes',{'timetable','double'})
Error using table (line 233)
All table variables must have the same number of rows.
It will create a composite datatable type, but can't store a real timetable into it; if embed the timetable as above it is contained in the table as a variable but still of the same height.
I don't see how to build the table they show, sorry...



Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre 2021-6-15
I think the issue is that you are treating tables like cells. In a cell, each can be a variable. However, in a table, an entire column represents a variable. You cannot, therefore, assign a table to a single element (row) of a column. It must be assigned to the entire column.
dt = 0.05;
channel1 = rand(3,2);
channel2 = rand(3,2);
channel3 = rand(3,2);
ch1 = array2timetable(channel1,'SampleRate',1/dt);
ch2 = array2timetable(channel2,'SampleRate',1/dt);
ch3 = array2timetable(channel3,'SampleRate',1/dt);
% Notice the variable names, ch1-3, across the top of the table
% The timetable variable names are displayed under the table variable names
% The timetable values are shown in their corresponding columns under ch1,
% ch2, and ch3
TT = table(ch1,ch2,ch3)
TT = 3×3 table
ch1 ch2 ch3 Time channel11 channel12 Time channel21 channel22 Time channel31 channel32 __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ 0 sec 0.26206 0.96846 0 sec 0.049802 0.6536 0 sec 0.1514 0.30417 0.05 sec 0.29422 0.23072 0.05 sec 0.70208 0.07587 0.05 sec 0.81389 0.17342 0.1 sec 0.5714 0.26852 0.1 sec 0.012769 0.16812 0.1 sec 0.011715 0.36192
I think you need to rethink your approach for storing the data.
  13 个评论
Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre 2021-6-15
I agree. I cannot think of a scenario where it would work. In the feedback, I have also suggested they consider not allowing these data types for VarType.
dpb 2021-6-15
Feedback appreciated, muchly...inquiring minds and all that... :)


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