How to specify a row and column in an array

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
So I have a 5x80 array and want to write a section of code which subtracts row 1, column 1 from row 2 column 1. How might I do that? I already tried using the (x,:) technique.
This is my attempt:
u1 = u(1,:1);
u2 = u(2,:1);

回答(1 个)

KSSV 2021-6-16
A = rand(5,80) ;
iwant = A(1,1)-A(2,1)
What you tried:
u1 = u(1,:1);
:1 is not valid. Simply you need to index bu u(r,c).
u(1,:) % gives entire first row
u(:,1) % gives entire first column


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