Can we get a handle of any .exe file running in Windows using m-scripts ?

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
If there is a program running in VB++ or in C-Sharp or in Java , Is it possible to do any kind of automation with them, using M-scripts ?
If there is a GUI in c-Sharp with buttons , can I get its handle ( as we get of MATLAB GUI) and at a regular interval make that button toggle ( ON/OFF) ?
Is MATLAB scripting feasible enough ?

回答(2 个)

David Sanchez
David Sanchez 2013-8-30
Generally speaking, it is NOT always possible. But it all depends on the way the other interface was programmed.

Jan 2013-8-30
This would be much easier in C# directly...
You can let the java robot move the mouse and click it programmatically. But this is not convenient and the user might be annoyed by loosing control over the mouse.


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