Performing semantic segmentation of brain volume on 2D slices

12 次查看(过去 30 天)
I working on semantic segmentation of brain in CSF,GM and WM. Due to the limited MRI scans that I have access to, I want to perform the training on 2D slices. Is there any advice or code that I can start with?

回答(1 个)

Philip Brown
Philip Brown 2021-6-21
You could take a look at this GitHub repo Brain-MRI-Age-Classification-using-Deep-Learning. The function prepare2DImageDataset.m might be relevant for you.
I think this example might be some help: 3-D Brain Tumor Segmentation Using Deep Learning, or this video tutorial.
For a 2-D semantic seg example (not involving brains), take a look at Semantic Segmentation Using Deep Learning. You'd need to get your data from the 3-D MRI scans into 2-D slices. You could look at writing a custom datastore to read 2-D slices from the 3-D data.


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