How should I write a code that can realize if a text file is updated and the code updates my plot too?

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I have a log file which is keep updating a message (text file attached). This message can somehow be plotted and I have done that (see below) but I don't know how to update my plot when the txt file is updated with a new line?
logfile = uigetfile
opt = detectImportOptions(logfile,'FileType','text','Delimiter',','); % setting import options
opt.VariableNames = {'LogType','RealTimeStamp','DataSet','ParticleTimeStamp','ForcedParticleFlag','TriggerIntensity','Channel2','Channel3','Channel4','Channel5','Channel6','Channel7','Channel8','Channel9','Channel10','Channel11','Channel12','Channel13','Channel14','Channel15','Channel16','Channel17','Channel18','Channel19','Channel20','Channel21','Channel22','Channel23','Channel24','Channel25','Channel26','Channel27','Channel28','Channel29','Channel30','Channel31','Channel32'};
opt.ExtraColumnsRule ='ignore'; % remove extra column
ImportLog = readtable(logfile,opt); % import log file
ImportLog=ImportLog(~any(ismissing(ImportLog),2),:); % import only scattering data and remove other data
ChannelToAngle_T = PHIPS_ChannelToAngle(ImportLog); % channel to angle table
ForcedTrigger = ChannelToAngle_T.ForcedParticleFlag; % forced trigger out of table
idx0 = find(ForcedTrigger == 0); % index of those lines that has forced trigger or not
idx1 = find(ForcedTrigger == 1);
for i= 1:numel(idx0)
Angle = 18:8:170; % Angles
ASF = table2array(ChannelToAngle_T(idx0(end), end-19:end)); % Angular Scattering Function
semilogy(Angle, ASF, 's-','MarkerFaceColor', 'w', 'LineWidth', 2, 'MarkerSize', 10) % plot
hold on
%semilogy(angle, ASF_2, 's--','MarkerFaceColor', 'w', 'LineWidth', 2, 'MarkerSize', 10)
%semilogy(angle, ASF_3, 's--','MarkerFaceColor', 'w', 'LineWidth', 2, 'MarkerSize', 10)
hold off
grid on
xlabel ('Scattering Angle')
ylabel ('Scattering Intensity [cts]')
ylim([0, 5000])
ax = gca;
ax.YAxis(1).Color = 'k'; % change color of LHS y-axis to black
% ax.YAxis(2).Color = 'k'; % change color of RHS y-axis to black
ax.FontSize = 14;
ax.FontWeight = 'bold';
legend('Location', 'southeast')


Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2021-6-26
You could periodically check the date of the file with dir() (in a for loop or with a timer) and if the file date changed from the last time you checked it, update your plot.
  8 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2021-6-27
how_long_to_wait = 5;
[logfile, logdir] = uigetfile;
if ~ischar(logfile); return; end %user cancel
logfile = fullfile(logdir, logfile);
opt = detectImportOptions(logfile,'FileType','text','Delimiter',','); % setting import options
opt.VariableNames = {'LogType','RealTimeStamp','DataSet','ParticleTimeStamp','ForcedParticleFlag','TriggerIntensity','Channel2','Channel3','Channel4','Channel5','Channel6','Channel7','Channel8','Channel9','Channel10','Channel11','Channel12','Channel13','Channel14','Channel15','Channel16','Channel17','Channel18','Channel19','Channel20','Channel21','Channel22','Channel23','Channel24','Channel25','Channel26','Channel27','Channel28','Channel29','Channel30','Channel31','Channel32'};
opt.ExtraColumnsRule ='ignore'; % remove extra column
ax = app.axes1;
ax.YScale = 'log';
h = plot(nan, nan, 's-','MarkerFaceColor', 'w', 'LineWidth', 2, 'MarkerSize', 10);
oldsize = -inf;
while true
FileInfo = dir(logfile);
if FileInfo.bytes > oldsize
oldsize = FileInfo.bytes;
ImportLog = readtable(logfile,opt); % import log file
do some stuff
h.XData = Angles; h.YData = ASF;


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Sepehr Ariaei
Sepehr Ariaei 2021-6-28
It always increase in size.
Thank you very much for your helps. It worked. @Image Analyst @Walter Roberson


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