It seems the strange qualities of the plot above were caused by falsely attributing detections to various altitudes and/or ranges for reasons that aren't clear to me. I modified my script to simulate 1 airplane at a time, increasing the altitude with each successive simulation. The following figure gives my new results, which are much cleaner.
However, I still don't fully understand the shape of these POD curves. An ARSR-4 is supposed to have a POD of 0.9 at a range of 288 miles. Why is the simulation not showing that? I suppose it is because the RCS for the 737 is much larger than the reference RCS? If so, could someone suggest where I could find radar cross section data for smaller aircraft besides the 737?
Here's my updated code:
s = rng; % Save current random generator state
rng(2020); % Set random seed for predictable results
% Create scenario
scene = trackingScenario('IsEarthCentered',true,'UpdateRate',1);
% Model an ARSR-4 radar
updaterate = 5;
fov = [360;30.001];
elAccuracy = atan2d(0.9,463); % 900m accuracy @ max range
elBiasFraction = 0.1;
arsr4 = monostaticRadarSensor(1,'UpdateRate',updaterate,...
'MechanicalScanLimits',[0 360; -30 0],...
'ReferenceRange',463000,... = 288 miles
'RangeResolution', 323,...
'RangeBiasFraction',116/323,... Accuracy / Resolution
% Add ARSR-4 radars at each site
radar = clone(arsr4);
radar.SensorIndex = 1;
start_ll = [40+41/60+21.7/3600,-74-02/60-42.5/3600]; % statue of liberty
% Define all flights
m_per_ft = 0.3048;
platform_id_ls = [];
airplane_ls = [];
time_max = 24*60*60;
end_ll = [40+41/60+21.7/3600,-90]; % due east 834 miles
alt_ft_ls = 0:5000:40000;
n_active_flights = length(alt_ft_ls);
flight_route = geoTrajectory([[start_ll, 0];[end_ll, 0]],[0, time_max]);
airplane = platform(scene,'Trajectory',flight_route);
airplane.Signatures{1} = boeing737rcs;
airplane_ls = [airplane_ls; airplane]; %#ok<AGROW>
platform_id_ls = [platform_id_ls; scene.Platforms{end}.PlatformID]; %#ok<AGROW>
% Run the simulation
% Declare loop variables
radar_time_vec = [];
radar_target_id_vec = [];
radar_sensor_id_vec = [];
radar_lat_vec = [];
radar_lon_vec = [];
radar_alt_vec = [];
radar_az_vec = [];
radar_rng_vec = [];
radar_rng_rate_vec = [];
radar_assign_trk_id = [];
det_radar = [];
arsrupdatetime = 5;
sim_start = datetime('now');
progress = [];
pred_runtime = [];
for j=1:n_active_flights
alt = alt_ft_ls(j)*m_per_ft;
scene.Platforms{1, 2}.Trajectory = geoTrajectory([[start_ll, alt];[end_ll, alt]],[0, time_max]);
scene_spherical = clone(scene);
scene_spherical.Platforms{1,1}.Sensors{1,1}.DetectionCoordinates = 'Sensor spherical';
f = waitbar(0,'Simulation progress');
while advance(scene)
time = scene.SimulationTime;
% Generate radar detections at the defined rate
if mod(time,arsrupdatetime) == 0
% Generate synthetic radar detections
rng(2020); % Set random seed for predictable results
dets = detect(scene);
n_radar_dets = length(dets);
rng(2020); % Set random seed for predictable results
dets_spherical = detect(scene_spherical);
% dets = removeBelowGround(dets);
det_radar = [det_radar; dets]; %#ok<AGROW>
if ~isempty(dets)
for i=1:length(dets)
position = dets{i,1}.Measurement([1 2 3]);
position_spherical = dets_spherical{i,1}.Measurement([1 2 3]);
velocity = dets{i,1}.Measurement([4 5 6]);
velocity_spherical = dets_spherical{i,1}.Measurement([4]);
sensor_position = scene.Platforms{1,2}.Position;
lla = fusion.internal.frames.ecef2lla(position');
radar_time_vec = [radar_time_vec; time]; %#ok<AGROW>
radar_target_id_vec = [radar_target_id_vec; j]; %#ok<AGROW>
radar_sensor_id_vec = [radar_sensor_id_vec; dets{i,1}.SensorIndex]; %#ok<AGROW>
radar_lat_vec = [radar_lat_vec; lla(1)]; %#ok<AGROW>
radar_lon_vec = [radar_lon_vec; lla(2)]; %#ok<AGROW>
radar_alt_vec = [radar_alt_vec; lla(3)]; %#ok<AGROW>
radar_az_vec = [radar_az_vec; position_spherical(1)]; %#ok<AGROW>
radar_rng_vec = [radar_rng_vec; position_spherical(3)]; %#ok<AGROW>
radar_rng_rate_vec = [radar_rng_rate_vec; velocity_spherical(1)]; %#ok<AGROW>
steps_remaining = (n_active_flights - j + 1)*time_max - time;
progress = [progress; [toc steps_remaining]];
if (mod(time,120) == 0) && (time > 0)
p = polyfit(progress(:,1),progress(:,2),2);
r = roots(p);
r_real = real(r);
r_pos_real = r_real(r_real > 0);
completion = ((j-1)*time_max+time)/(n_active_flights*time_max);
if isempty(r_pos_real)
waitbar(completion,f,sprintf('Simulation progress is %.0f%% (%d/%d)\nMinutes remaining: unknown',100*time/time_max,time,time_max))
pred_runtime = [pred_runtime; min(r_pos_real)];
etc = min(r_pos_real)/60 - toc/60;
waitbar(completion,f,sprintf('Simulation progress is %.0f%% (%d/%d)\nMinutes remaining: %.1f',100*time/time_max,time,time_max,etc))
radar_df = timetable(sim_start + seconds(radar_time_vec + .001),radar_target_id_vec,radar_sensor_id_vec,radar_lat_vec,...
m_per_mi = 1609;
radar_df.Range = radar_df.Range/m_per_mi;
% head(radar_df)
waitbar(1,f,sprintf('Simulation took %.1f minutes to complete',toc/60))
radar_df.Loc = [radar_df.Lon radar_df.Lat radar_df.Alt];
target_ls = unique(radar_df.TargetID);
range_max = norm(fusion.internal.frames.lla2ecef([start_ll,0]) -...
edge_ls = 0:range_max/50:range_max;
range_coords = (edge_ls(1:end-1) + edge_ls(2:end))/2;
n_expected_obs = 24*60*60/(length(edge_ls) - 1)/arsrupdatetime;
color_ls = colormap('turbo');
color_ls = color_ls(1:floor(length(color_ls)/length(target_ls)):length(color_ls),:);
hold on
for i=1:length(target_ls)
% subplot(2,5,i)
N = histcounts(table2array(radar_df(radar_df.TargetID == target_ls(i), "Range")), edge_ls);
% histogram('BinEdges',edge_ls,'BinCounts',N/n_expected_obs)
plot(range_coords,N/n_expected_obs,'-','DisplayName',sprintf("%dft alt",alt_ft_ls(i)),'Color',color_ls(i,:))
title("POD of ARSR-4 for 737 based on Range & Altitude")
xlabel("Range (miles)")
hold on
plot(progress(1,1):progress(end,1), polyval(polyfit(progress(:,1),progress(:,2),2),progress(1,1):progress(end,1)))
% Support functions
function x_rng = my_range(x)
x_min = min(x);
x_max = max(x);
x_rng = [x_min x_max];