How do i calculate Poisson Image noise?
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I am loading a dataset of images, and want to modify each by a different amound of poisson noise. How do I calculate the poisson noise?
Thank you!
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回答(2 个)
Sindhu Karri
You can use imnoise(I,'poisson') to add posison noise to images.This caluclates poisson noise from the data.See the Algorithm section in the below attached link for more details.
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Image Analyst
You can use imnoise().
But I hope you realize that it's kind of artificial (what that function does) and you'll never see Poisson noise in any real world situation unless you're dealing with extremely low light levels - basically photon noise limited imaging like you'd get in astronomy, nuclear medicine, or fluorescence microscopy. I'm talking about like 20 or so photons per pixel. You'll never get it from your basic snapshot or video with a normal digital color camera taking images of your office or lab. What are your images from? There are other kinds of noise that might be more applicable. See
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