I used "uiaxes" to display 3D voxels on an app.
However, I found a serious problem.
As shown in the following picture, the left is drawn in a "figure", the right one is drawn in the "uiaxes" in the app.
As we can see, the right one (in the uiaxes) has a display problem, which confused me a lot.
I used the exactly the same data to draw these two picture. However, the one in the uiaxes have some serious display defects, Specifically, some parts of the yellow shell are not displayed, so that we can see the inner part through the shell.
I used "surface()" function:
surface(app.UIAxes, [cx(1,1,jz),cx(end,1,jz)+d],[cy(1,1,jz),cy(1,end,jz)+d], zeros(2)+cz(1,1,jz),...
permute(cDataXY,[2,1,3]), 'FaceColor','texturemap','FaceAlpha', 'texturemap', 'EdgeColor', 'none', 'AlphaDataMapping', 'none',...
'AlphaData',squeeze(alphaData(:,:,jz))','AmbientStrength',ambientStrength, 'FaceLighting',faceLighting,...
'SpecularStrength',specularStrength,'SpecularExponent',1, 'SpecularColorReflectance', 0);
I have no idea what happened here. I am wondering if there is something wrong with my settings.
I feel that the phenomenon is related to the attribute called "SortMethod ", because when I change the attribute from 'depth' to 'childorder', the defect will become more serious.
Really need some help here.
(MATLAB 2021a)