App designer Tab children automatic resize work on one tab but not the other on app Window resize

22 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am trying to create an app that uses a TabGroup. When resizing the app window, the children of one of the tabs resize correctly however the children of another tab of the same group do not and stay as the initial size.
AutoResizeChildren on both tabs is active.
I can't seem to find any differences between the components of both tabs and I made sure that all components are indeed children of the tabs which is the case.
[Image left] original size [Image right] size on Window resize


Mohammad Sami
Mohammad Sami 2021-7-5
Are you using a uigridlayout inside the second tab ? The best way to ensure the desired resizing behaviour is to use uigridlayout as a child of your tab. Then place your components inside the grids. The grids can be set to either resizable or to a fixed value or a mix depending on the need.

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