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How to convert Pixel to millimetor in MATLAB GUI

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Hi all.
i am stucking with a problem please help me. i have a JPG image i contoured the image by imfreehand and then find the [X,Y] coordinates of each pixel inside the contour. these [X,Y] cooridnates are in pixel so i want in millimetor. So, how can i get these values in mm. i want when i press excelPushbutton. the coordinates should b be in mm not in pixel. any help is apprteciated in advance.
the code i used is given below
if true
function ExcelPushbutton_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
[Y, X] = find(handles.maskedImage ~= 0);
Z = repmat(0.18,[length(X),1]);
[FileName,PathName] = uiputfile('*.xls','Save data to spreadsheet');
xlswrite([PathName '/' FileName],Data);
here Z is 0.18mm which is thickness of the image.

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