I want to make 70 kw fuel cell system on simulink

6 次查看(过去 30 天)
Sir, i want to show 70 kw fuel cell system in simulink, can please help me to make that model in simulink. i have put fuel cell stack of 40 kw and attached it to dc/dc converter and placed a motor of 70 kw. I have also placed the battery in the system of 36 kw to give the excess power whenever required by the system. please help me in this sir. In this system 70 kw is peak power. I have a exact calculations of each and every system, please help me to make simulation in simulink. I have also attached one image of fuel cell system can share with me this simulink block diagram system.
  2 个评论
Yifeng Tang
Yifeng Tang 2021-7-10
This snapshot/slide is showing a shipping example in R2021b. The pre-release of R2021b is already available, so if your license is current, you may be able to download it and try this example. I think you'll need Powertrain Blockset, Simscape, and Simscape Electrical for this example.
Anmol Gupta
Anmol Gupta 2021-7-11
Thanks for your response sir, but i am asking you to send me this model downloaded link. I am not able to find this simulink model. I have attached link of video that was taught by you.In this you are showing one model can you send me this. Please help me sir, i have to submit my research work.


回答(1 个)

Yifeng Tang
Yifeng Tang 2021-7-11
Hi Anmol,
Let me suggest a few options:
1. Get R2021b pre-release. If you have an active license of MATLAB and the necessary toolboxes, the pre-release should be available to you. The example you mentioned is one of the reference application in Powertrain Blockset. I don't think this model exist in an earlier version of MATLAB, so even if I send you a model, you'll need R2021b to open it, and if you have R2021b, you already have the model. :p
2. In R2021a, try to integrate the fuel cell model into an existing reference application in PTBS (EV ref app or one of the HEV ones). The fuel cell subsystem in the example is identical to the PEM Fuel Cell example in Help (https://www.mathworks.com/help/physmod/simscape/ug/pem-fuel-cell-system.html), with some modification of I/O. You'll need to work on the control and power conditioning so it works in parallel with the battery pack.
3. Check out this File Exchange: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/82340-fuel-cell-vehicle-model-in-simscape The fuel cell system is modeled with a custom Simscape domain using R2021a but similarly sized as the example in R2021b.
Hope this helps,
  1 个评论
Anmol Gupta
Anmol Gupta 2021-7-11
Thanks for this great help sir. I will try to get result with this model. If you found anything useful for me than please send that also.



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