How can i read coeffictents stored in workspace from excel into matlab?

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
After plotting, i did basic fit for my plot. The coefficients are saved in the workspace excel sheet.I require them for further calculation in my matlab program. How can I read the workspace coeffecients from excel into matlab? Thankyou

回答(1 个)

Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek 2013-9-21
use xlsread function
  3 个评论
ES 2013-11-21
Please be clear on what you specifically want. If you want to write a bunch of values/ or contents of a variable into an excel file, use xlswrite.
If you want to read an excel file and use its values in Matlab, use xlsread.
Nithya 2013-12-4
Actually i wanted to use the datas that were stored in workspace.
But now i got a solution to this problem: using , etc


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