How to improve my contour plot sensitivity?
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I'm creating contour/heat maps from data from excel. I am currently using this code (found this online, but cannot remember who to cite - sorry!):
%Import the data in from excel
num = xlsread('DATA.xlsx')
% Reshape the intensity vector into a matrix
[xUnq,~,xIdx] = unique(num(:,1));
[yUnq,~,yIdx] = unique(num(:,2));
zMat = nan(numel(yUnq),numel(xUnq));
zIdx = sub2ind(size(zMat),yIdx,xIdx);
zMat(zIdx) = num(:,3);
% Plot contour
% Label colour bar
c = colorbar;
c.Label.String = 'CL_{004} (nm)';
This produces a map like this:
However, I'm not finding the sensitivity is quite right, as there large regions of red, where the values all vary. Is there a way to improve this so the variation is more visible?
Additionally, is there a way to remove the black lines around each region?
Thanks in advance!
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