Unable to perform assignment due to the different length of sides

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[FileName,pathname,d] = uigetfile('*.sp3','Choose the products','MultiSelect','on');
for i=1:2
full_file_name(:,i) = fullfile(pathname,FileName(:,i));
for i=1:2
Str(i,:) = fileread(full_file_name(i,:));
Here, when the lenght of first and second Str is not equal, I receive "Unable to perform assignment because the size of the left side is 1-by-35930605 and the size of the right side is 1-by-35909334" error. How I can store multiple Str while the theirs lenght are different?


Star Strider
Star Strider 2021-7-17
A cell array could be appropriate here:
Str{i} = fileread(full_file_name(i,:));

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