Elman Neural Network

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
minoo 2011-6-5
Hi everybody,
I'm trying to train an Elman neural network for predicting time series. My observation matrix dimension is 15*30000 and for every 15 inputs, one sample is as target. I use an Elman network which has 10 neurons in hidden layer.
net = newelm(Pseq,Tseq,10,{'tansig' 'purelin'},'traingdx');
It takes at least 12 hours to train such a network for 25 epochs. Is it normal?
Is there any trick to train the Elman network faster?


Greg Heath
Greg Heath 2012-9-15
[ I N ] = size(P)
[ O N ] = size(T)
The number of training equations is
Neq = prod(size(T)) = N*O
For an I-H-O elman net the number of weights to be estimated is
Nw = net.numWeightElements
= (I+1+H)*H+(H+1)*O = H^2 + (I+O+1)*H + O
The following condition is usually sufficient for successful training
Neq = N*O >> Nw
Depending on the complexity of the underlying I/O relationship
Neq/Nw ~ 10 to 30
is a reasonable range to investigate
Therefore, for I-H-O = 15-10-1
N >> H^2 + (I+O+1)*H + O = 100+170+1 = 271
Taking into consideration that H < 10 may be adequate,
Try starting your search with
N = 3000 for H = 1:10 and Ntrials = 10 different weight initializations
Hope this helps.

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