Using for loop to iterate through matrix of parameters

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Hi Folks,
I have produced the following code to calculate G_sl a 3*3 matrix where parameters S_1 and S_2 are 3*1 column vectors
for i=1:size(S_1,1) %
for j=1:3
G_sl(i,j) = k1.*(D_mean(1,1).^0.82).*(Fr(1,1) + k2.*Y(1,1).*Fa(1,1));
Now I wish to calculate the matrix T_sl= G_sl.*mu_sl for all values of G_sl but with an additional parameter n where mu_sl=f(n) How do I script to calculate for all values of G_sl along n a 3*1 column vector
Any information will be greatly appreciated. Regards B

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