syntax help--creating file path

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I am having trouble specifying a file path to a changing directory/set of files within a for loop. The path as it is now is below:
inputs{1, crun} = cellstr(spm_select('FPList'[allinput,'MOVr1',filesep,Order{crun,1}],'^raf.*\.img$'));
Along with possible bracket/parentheses issues, I am thinking the problem is with how to incorporate Order{crun,1}, which is the reference to the changing variable within the path. Order{crun,1} is supposed to refer to variables in the first column of a previously loaded file, Order.mat, which specifies a list of subject folders in the path. With this path, I am trying to switch the subject folder with each iteration of the loop based on the column of variables, but am not sure how to get that to work.
Any suggestions would be very appreciated!


dpb 2013-9-26
inputs{1, crun} = cellstr(spm_select('FPList'[allinput,'MOVr1',filesep,Order{crun,1}],'^raf.*\.img$'));
No idea what you really want the name to be in the end (what's allinput ?) but assuming that the function (?) spm_select is expecting a qualified filename, sotoo
fn=fullfile(['FPList' allinput 'MOVr1'],[Order{crun,1}'^raf.*\.img$']);
inputs{1, crun} = cellstr(spm_select(fn));
may be at least on the right track assuming allinput is a character variable.
Play with the building of the qualified filename at the command line w/ the terms until it looks as expected with fixed input; then substitute variables into the expression to debug.
  1 个评论
George Abrahams
George Abrahams 2023-12-19
Hi Victoria, beyond this, as you're dynamically building paths with some complexity, it may also be an idea to check that they are valid before trying to use them. My isvalidpath function on File Exchange will handle that for you.


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