If statement or strcmp to compare names.

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Hi everyone,
I have two excel sheets, the first one has three columns names, score and extra activities. The second column has only one column with names.
I want to compare the two sheets and if the names matches then I want to add 10 points to the score. I would really appreciate any help. I uploaded the data and below is my code so far.
Data = readtable("Data.xlsx")
Data2 = readtable("Data2.xlsx")
Volunteer_Names = ismember(Data.Extra_activities,'Volunteer Work and Community Service');
Volunteer_Names = Data(Volunteer_Names,:)
Add_Points = strcmp(Data.Names,Data2.Names,:)


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2021-7-21
ismember(). If you only want to know if at least one matches then any() the results; if you want to know how many matched then nnz() the ismember() result

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