latex output to .txt format

6 次查看(过去 30 天)
Mohammadfarid ghasemi
I transfered some equations into latex and want to save the output as .txt format, can anyone tell me how can I do it?

回答(2 个)

Daniel Pusicha
Daniel Pusicha 2022-7-19
As Yongjian Feng suggested, the expression can be written to a .txt file using the fprint function. First we have to create a LaTeX character array from a symbolic expression:
syms test
formula = latex(test); % This produces the output '\mathrm{test}'
LaTeX expressions in general contain commands which are denoted by a backslash. However, the function that is used to write strings to .txt file uses the backslah for formatting. Replacing the backslash with a double backslash solves this problem:
formula = strrep(formula, '\', '\\');
Finally, the character array can be written to the file:
fid = fopen('test_file.txt','wt');
fprintf(fid, formula);

Yongjian Feng
Yongjian Feng 2021-7-24
So you convert some equations into latex as a string, right? Then you can just follow this to write the string into a .txt file:
  1 个评论
Daniel Pusicha
Daniel Pusicha 2022-7-19
I think there is at least one further step necessary as the latex expression will certainly contain some backslashes however fprintf() interprets a backslash as some formatting command.
syms test
formula = latex(test); % This produces the output '\mathrm{test}'
fid = fopen('test_file.txt','wt');
fprintf(fid, formula);
Warning: Escaped character '\m' is not valid. See 'doc sprintf' for supported special characters.



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