Discrete Integrator instead of Continuous Integrator

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi! I am trying to Model control for a Micro-controller which (under Real Time Development) does not support Continuous time solver. So, instead i have to use Discrete Time Solver. How do i replace SECOND ORDER INTEGRATOR with DISCRETE TIME INTEGRATOR? The equation i am modelling is a Second Differential Equation.
Equation: m.y" = F_coil - Ks.x -mg
y" = d^2(x)/dt
F_coil = ((ni)^2)/(2.g^2)
{ where n=number of turns
g=air gap
Ks = Spring Pre-load
x = distance travelled by the solenoid plunger }
m = mass of the plunger
g = gravitational constant
Intentionally this is easy using a second order integrator. BUT HOW DO I ACHIEVE THE SAME WITH DISCRETE TIME INTEGRATOR?
I am grateful for any input!!

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