Computer Vision Toolbox Feature Enhancement Request?

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1、The third input parameter "labels" in the "selectStrongestBboxMulticlass" function should accept multiple types, such as string array, character cell vector, not just categorical array and numerical array
% official example in "selectStrongestBboxMulticlass" function
detectorInria = peopleDetectorACF('inria-100x41');
detectorCaltech = peopleDetectorACF('caltech-50x21');
I = imread('visionteam1.jpg');
[bboxesInria,scoresInria] = detect(detectorInria,I,'SelectStrongest',false);
[bboxesCaltech,scoresCaltech] = detect(detectorCaltech,I,'SelectStrongest',false);
labelsInria = repelem("inria",numel(scoresInria),1);
labelsInria = categorical(labelsInria,{'inria','caltech'});
labelsCaltech = repelem("caltech",numel(scoresCaltech),1);
labelsCaltech = categorical(labelsCaltech,{'inria','caltech'});
allBBoxes = [bboxesInria;bboxesCaltech];
allScores = [scoresInria;scoresCaltech];
allLabels = string([labelsInria;labelsCaltech]);% if it is string array, don't support???
[bboxes,scores,labels] = selectStrongestBboxMulticlass(allBBoxes,allScores,allLabels,...
Error using selectStrongestBboxMulticlass
Expected input number 3, label, to be one of these types:

uint8, int8, uint16, int16, uint32, int32, double, single

Instead its type was string.

Error in selectStrongestBboxMulticlass>iCheckLabel (line 229)
validateattributes(value,{'uint8', 'int8', 'uint16', 'int16', 'uint32', ...

Error in selectStrongestBboxMulticlass>iCheckInputBboxScoreAndLabel (line 216)

Error in selectStrongestBboxMulticlass>iParseInputs (line 244)
iCheckInputBboxScoreAndLabel(bbox, score, label);

Error in selectStrongestBboxMulticlass (line 115)
[ratioType, overlapThreshold, numStrongest] = iParseInputs(bbox,score,label,varargin{:});
annotations = string(labels) + ": " + string(scores);
I = insertObjectAnnotation(I,'rectangle',bboxes,cellstr(annotations));
title('Detected People, Scores, and Labels')
2,The first input parameter "bboxA" in the "bboxresize" function should accept a type based on the supported float type, not the current positive integer type
bboxA = rand(1,4)
bboxB = bboxresize(bboxA,2)
Error using bboxresize>iParseInputs (line 115)
The value of 'bboxA' is invalid. Expected input number 1, bboxA, to be integer-valued.
Error in bboxresize (line 48)
params = iParseInputs(bboxA,scale);

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