Matlab CNN model to ONNX - Inference Image Classification Results
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Hello all,
I used 'exportONNXNetwork(net,filename)' function to export a fine-tuned CNN .mat model (mobilenet pretrained and fine-tuned on new dataset) to .onnx model.
When using the .onnx model in image classification inference I am getting wrong classification results. I compared the results that I am getting from Matlab inference with ONNX inference, it is not the same although the model was well exported and I checked some of the weights and biases of the network.
Does I need to make any additional conversion ? Is there any difference between the two models (I think the input is of shape 3*224*224 in ONNX instead of 224*224*3 in Matlab) ?
Thank you in advance. Appreciate your help!
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回答(2 个)
yes , you are correct, in onnnx file the input is of shape BatchSize*3*224*224 instead of 224*224*3*BatchSize in Matlab,
Sivylla Paraskevopoulou
The Inference Comparison Between ONNX and Imported Networks for Image Classification example shows how to compare image classification results between an ONNX model and a Deep Learning Toolbox network.
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