How to cut multiple file ans past it to folder?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have fram4ASK100.mat to fram4ASK1000.mat in a folder and i want to cut them and past them intp new folder name as 4ASK.
I have tried follwoing code but it does't work
for i=100:1000
mkdir 4ASK
copyfile frame4ASK(i).m 4ASK

回答(2 个)

Yongjian Feng
Yongjian Feng 2021-8-3
编辑:Yongjian Feng 2021-8-3
mkdir 4ASK
for i=100:1000
copyfile(['frame4ASK' num2str(i) '.m'], 4ASK)

Stephen23 2021-8-3
mkdir 4ASK
movefile frame4ASK*.m 4ASK


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