getting error while using feedback

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
syms s d e
using feedback(y,1,-1) is giving me a error, what is wrong here

回答(2 个)

Jesús Zambrano
Jesús Zambrano 2021-8-5
You need to work with model objects, they must be either continuous os discrete with identical sample times.
Here, please read the documentation about the command feedback, which also includes some examples:
Hope it helps!
  1 个评论
bhanu kiran vandrangi
ok, but if my input for feedback is matrix then how to use feedback in matlab


Paul 2021-8-5
The Control System Toolbox does not support operations on sym objects. Having siad that, the error message that I'm seeing is fairly opaque, something about "not enough input arguments," which isn't very helpful.




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