comparing between two arrays

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
mariam 2013-10-6
评论: mariam 2013-10-9
sorry if my question is trivial , but i'm still beginner and need your help. i have 3 points in the space say a , b, c each one is an array 2x3 , say a=[2 3 4 ; 9 8 7] ,b =[ 5 2 1 ; 6 3 2] , c=[ 4 7 1; 1 2 3]. i want to compare the distance between points a and b (dist12) with the distance between a and c (dist13), which is longer? thank you
  5 个评论
Jan 2013-10-7
@mariam: No, it is not clear enough. "Distance" is defined for single points only. Therefore it is not uniquely defined, what you are looking for.
mariam 2013-10-8
ok , i will explain with more details , i work in clustering using particle swarm . for example i have 3 particles each one has 2 cluster (this is why each array has two rows). a is particle 1 , b is particle 2 , particle 3 is c . particle 1 (a) is the best solution. so i want to compute the max distance of the particles (b , c ) from particle (a). l know how to compute the euclidean distance from each array to (a). for example distance ab =[ 4.3589 ; 11] and distance ac = [ 5.3852 ;3]. i want to compute max distance .


回答(2 个)

David Sanchez
David Sanchez 2013-10-7
a=[2 3 4 ; 9 8 7];
b =[ 5 2 1 ; 6 3 2];
c=[ 4 7 1; 1 2 3];
dist_ab_cluster_1 = norm(b(1,:)-a(1,:));
dist_ab_cluster_2 = norm(b(2,:)-a(2,:));
dist_ac_cluster_1 = norm(c(1,:)-a(1,:));
dist_ac_cluster_2 = norm(c(2,:)-a(2,:));
dist_ab_cluster_1 =
dist_ab_cluster_2 =
dist_ac_cluster_1 =
dist_ac_cluster_2 =
  1 个评论
mariam 2013-10-7
thank you very much , but if i want to treat the particle which contains two cluster as one unit ....i mean to compare between the array p1= [4.3589 ; 7.6811] and p2=[5.3852 ;10.7703] to know which distance is longer . thank you


Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov 2013-10-7
a=[2 3 4 ; 9 8 7]; b =[ 5 2 1 ; 6 3 2]; c=[ 4 7 1; 1 2 3];
data = cat(3,a,b,c);
s = size(data);
t = reshape(data(:,:,nchoosek(1:s(3),2)') , s(1),s(2),2,[]);
out = squezze(sqrt(sum(diff(t,[],3).^2,2)));
  3 个评论
Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov 2013-10-8
distance between a and b
mariam 2013-10-9
ok thank you , but if i want to know which is the max distance what i can do. a-b , or a-c



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