Why do i get the error "Index exceeds matrix dimensions. Error in fingerprinting (line 6) song1=song1(1:44100);" in my code

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
  • * * Item one
  • * * Item twoMy code is :
  • function fingerprinting %main routine for fingerprinting and matching
  • %write reference wav-files ("Library") into vectors
  • clear all;
  • clc;
  • song1=wavread('song1.wav');
  • song1=song1(1:3*44100);
  • song2=wavread('song2.wav');
  • song2=song2(1:3*44100);
  • song4=wavread('song4.wav');
  • song4=song4(1:3*44100);
  • %write sample wav-file into vector
  • sample=wavread('sample.wav');
  • sample=sample(1:3*44100);
  • %create signatures of reference files and sample
  • FP1=fingerprint1(song1);
  • FP2=fingerprint1(song2);
  • FP4=fingerprint1(song4);
  • FPS=fingerprint1(sample);
  • %calculate similarity between the reference FP and the sample FP
  • M1=eq(FPS,FP1);
  • M2=eq(FPS,FP2);
  • M4=eq(FPS,FP4);
  • %sum up number of equal digits
  • s1=sum(M1);
  • s2=sum(M2);
  • s4=sum(M4);
  • com1=sum(s1);
  • com2=sum(s2);
  • com4=sum(s4);
  • %look for a perfect match
  • match=0;
  • if com1==4608 %max. equal digits
  • fprintf('perfect match with song 1')
  • match=1;
  • end
  • if com2==4608
  • fprintf('perfect match with song 2')
  • match=1;
  • end
  • if com4==4608
  • fprintf('perfect match with song 4')
  • match=1;
  • end
  • %if there is no perfect match, find best match
  • if com1>com2
  • if com1>com4
  • if match==0
  • fprintf('song 1 is closest match')
  • end
  • end
  • end
  • if com2>com1
  • if com2>com4
  • if match==0
  • fprintf('song 2 ist closest match')
  • end
  • end
  • end
  • if com4>com1
  • if com4>com2
  • if match==0
  • fprintf('song 4 ist closest match')
  • end
  • end
  • end;
  • Fingerprint extraction:
  • function H=fingerprint1(song) %fingerprint extraction
  • A=auditoryfbank(song, 44100); %bandpass filtering using the pre-designed filterbank
  • B=A.*A; %energy calculation
  • H=zeros(256,18);
  • %calculating the energy difference between two adjacent bands in two subsequent time frames
  • for n=2:256
  • for m=1:17
  • H(n,m)=B(n,m)-B(n,m+1)-(B(n-1,m)-B(n-1,m+1));
  • if H(n,m)>0
  • H(n,m)=1;
  • else
  • H(n,m)=0;
  • end
  • end
  • end;
  1 个评论
Jan 2013-10-8
Do not start each line with a star. See the "? help" link to learn how to format code in this forum.
clear all on top of a function is 1. meaningless, 2. wastes time by forcing Matlab to reload all functions from the slow hard disk, 3. deletes all valuable breakpoints of the debugger.


回答(1 个)

David Sanchez
David Sanchez 2013-10-8
Your code says:
what assumes that song1 is at least a 1x132300 array. It seems that song1 is smaller than that.
  2 个评论
Jan 2013-10-8
编辑:Jan 2013-10-8
@Shweeta: We cannot guess, what you want. But at least you cannot exceed the maximum index:
song1 = song1(1:min(3*44100, numel(song1)))
But the same problem might occur for the other files also: You cannot crop the elements behind 3*44100, when the data have less elements.



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