how to mention picoseconds unit of time.

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
Is there any to direct way write picosecond unit in matlab instead of 1e-12.

回答(2 个)

ES 2013-10-18
编辑:ES 2013-10-18
Do you mean this?
eval(['30',ps])%30 picoseconds
ans =
  2 个评论
Vijender 2013-10-18
nops i want to know is there any direct syntx for defining picoseconds unit in matlab. I know by default its second.
Vijender 2013-10-18
Actually if i write your method or directly write 1e-12 then in long format it matlab give 9.9999999999999999999e-11 instead of 1e-12


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2013-10-18
MATLAB does not have any default time unit. Individual routines have time units. Routines that deal with dates use number of days and fraction of days; routines that deal with pausing or waiting use seconds (and those routines are not able to get picosecond resolution.)
If you were to give more context, we might be able to make a suggestion.


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