How to convert an image from rgb to lab by pixel by pixel matrix???

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
like i have image...i have to read it in matlab...then if i want to change the rgb values of the image to lab values...then what will b its steps.... i mean L* A* B* values

回答(2 个)

Matt Kindig
Matt Kindig 2013-10-25
You can convert rgb to L*A*B colorspace using the makecform() and applycform() functions. From the documentation:
cform = makecform('srgb2lab');
lab_IMG = applycform(IMG,cform);
  8 个评论
pritha Das
pritha Das 2013-10-26
look what u have provided it is directly converts a rgb image to its L*a*b color space value... bt if want to the same thing in matrix form then what will b the coding
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2013-10-26
Matt already answered this. See his last comment. There is no difference between an image and a matrix, if that is what you are wondering.


Jan 2013-10-25
This is a perfect question for an internet research: Asking e.g. Google for "Matlab rgb lab" and you will find e.g.:


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