How can I determine what add-ons I have installed?

355 次查看(过去 30 天)
I would like to know what products and other toolboxes are installed into my installation of MATLAB, and also what functions are provided with the toolboxes.


MathWorks Support Team
编辑:MathWorks Support Team 2022-2-22
Using the Add-On Manager 
The following answer applies to MATLAB version R2015b or later only. 
View and manage all installed add-ons using the Add-On Manager.  
To open the Add-On Manager: 
1. In MATLAB, go to the Home tab. 
2. Select Add-Ons > Manage Add-Ons. 
MATLAB displays a list of MathWorks products, toolboxes, and add-ons installed on your machine. 
To view the function list for an add-on: 
1. Select the add-on in the Add-On Manager. 
2. In the options menu on the right of the add-on, select View in Add-On Explorer. The Functions tab shows the list of functions included with the add-on. 
Using the Command Line  
The following answer applies to MATLAB version R2017b or later only.
To produce a list of installed Community add-ons, use the 'matlab.addons.installedAddons' command: 
The following answer applies to all versions of MATLAB. 
To produce a list of installed MathWorks products and add-ons, use the 'ver' command: 
To produce a list of the functions available in MATLAB, use the 'help' function: 

更多回答(2 个)

Richard Zapor
Richard Zapor 2022-12-19
This function will give summary of Matlab installed along with Toolboxes
  1 个评论
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2022-12-19
Yes, but not "Add-ons" like the question said. ver gives only MATLAB version and toolboxes, not other Add-ons like you get from the Add-ons manager. For example I have the "Deep Learning Toolbox Model for Alexnet Network" installed (through the Add-on manager), yet it does not show up when I type ver.
The only ways to see what Toolboxes and Add-ons you have installed is to use the Add-On Manager on the Home tab of the tool ribbon, OR programmatically on the command line,as the Mathworks answer also showed.


Adam Danz
Adam Danz 2023-2-17
编辑:Adam Danz 2023-2-17
A programmatic way to list all user-installed toolboxes, available since R2016a. Note, these are not the same as MATLAB Toolboxes that appear in the ver command.
Returns a 1xn structure array
toolboxes =
1×2 struct array with fields:
List toolbox names
tbnames = {toolboxes.Name}'
tbnames =
2×1 cell array
{'Crystal ball toolbox' }
{'Fix my bugs toolbox' }


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