How can I activate multiple Individual or Designated Computer licenses on a single computer?

92 次查看(过去 30 天)


MathWorks Support Team
编辑:MathWorks Support Team 2024-1-26
Activating multiple licenses on a single machine can be accomplished by going through the activation process again, for as many additional licenses as you plan to use.
Note for Individual licenses: the license file generated ties to a specific user name on the computer it is running on. Please ensure the correct user name for the end user of the product is used when prompted to confirm the user details.


If the software is not already installed

First, install the MathWorks product(s) you want on the machine. Installation will handle the first activation automatically. Follow the instructions from the link below to accomplish this.
Install Products
Once you have installed the software, it will have activated the first license. Proceed to the next section labeled "If the software is already installed".


If the software is already installed

The product is likely already activated for the first license. To activate additional licenses, follow the instructions from the link below to accomplish this.
How do I activate MATLAB or other MathWorks Products?
  1 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2021-11-18
If I recall correctly (and it has been over a decade since I configured it):
If you as a user log in against an individual license that has a set of toolboxes, then you get to use all of those no matter what the other licenses have configured.
If you as a user log in against an individual license that has a set of toolboxes, and you attempt to use a toolbox that is not part of that license, then MATLAB will look for other licenses you might be eligible to use. If it finds a Designated Computer license that is not already in use, and which has the toolbox you need, then it will grab that license, allowing you to use the toolbox.
What I do not know at the moment is whether it will only look at the very first (currently unused) Designated Computer license it finds, or if it will look at all of them if the first (unused) one does not have the toolbox you are trying to use.
I suspect that it might not be "smart" about which license it uses. For example if you do not have Simulink on your individual license, but a DC license has it, then it will grab the DC license. Now suppose that you then use Simscape Electrical and that is not on your individual or the DC license you grabbed: it will look and perhaps find a second DC that has both Simulink and Simscape Electrical. Your needs could in theory be satisfied by just your individual license and one of the two DC licenses -- but is MATLAB smart enough to release the first DC license when it sees you need the second one and the second one includes everything you are using from the first ? I seem to recall that it is not smart enough to release the first one.
But it has been a long time since I administered those licenses, and I don't recall that I ever had any DC licenses, so I am not certain.


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