How do I setup Matlab Genetic Algorithms Constraints?

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have problem on building the constraints matrices of genetic algorithms in Matlab. I want to import these matrices in GA function for a problem that has the following constraints:
a1<a2<<an , 0<ai<90, n=number of variables. Matlab's documentation didn't help me because it refers only to simple equations and not to this kind of constraints.
I'm new to GA and every help would be acceptable!

回答(2 个)

Karthik  Vemireddy
Karthik Vemireddy 2011-11-28
Hi Nikos,
even i have a similar issue, i have to define a variable constraint similar to a1<a2<a3 etc for my multiobj GA... Have you figured out how to do that?

Karthik  Vemireddy
Karthik Vemireddy 2011-12-2
The solution for this query can be found in the documentation for Optimization tool box >> Writing Constraints >> Linear Inequality Constraints.


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