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on 12 Oct 2021
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v = 4608×3
0 -1.5000 2.4000 0 -1.4822 2.4325 0 -1.4634 2.4586 0 -1.4446 2.4781 0 -1.4266 2.4911 0 -1.4103 2.4976 0 -1.3967 2.4976 0 -1.3867 2.4911 0 -1.3811 2.4781 0 -1.3808 2.4586
f = 3872×4
1 13 14 2 2 14 15 3 3 15 16 4 4 16 17 5 5 17 18 6 6 18 19 7 7 19 20 8 8 20 21 9 9 21 22 10 10 22 23 11
c = 4608×1
2.4000 2.4325 2.4586 2.4781 2.4911 2.4976 2.4976 2.4911 2.4781 2.4586
p =
Patch with properties: FaceColor: 'interp' FaceAlpha: 1 EdgeColor: [0 0 0] LineStyle: '-' Faces: [3872×4 double] Vertices: [4608×3 double] Show all properties
axis equal off
p =
Patch with properties: FaceColor: 'interp' FaceAlpha: 1 EdgeColor: [0 0 0] LineStyle: '-' Faces: [3872×4 double] Vertices: [4608×3 double] Show all properties
p.LineStyle = 'none'
p =
Patch with properties: FaceColor: 'interp' FaceAlpha: 1 EdgeColor: [0 0 0] LineStyle: 'none' Faces: [3872×4 double] Vertices: [4608×3 double] Show all properties
p =
Patch with properties: FaceColor: 'interp' FaceAlpha: 1 EdgeColor: [0 0 0] LineStyle: 'none' Faces: [3872×4 double] Vertices: [4608×3 double] Show all properties
l = light('Position',[-0.4 0.2 0.9],'Style','infinite')
l =
Light with properties: Color: [1 1 1] Style: 'infinite' Position: [-0.4000 0.2000 0.9000] Visible: on Show all properties
lighting gouraud
material default
Remix Tree