Accelerating the pace of engineering and science.
Apologies for putting this question here, but I'm not sure there's a specific forum for Cody-related questions.
I recently noticed that a new badge for "Magic Numbers Master" had been created and awarded. When I entered my profile to check that out, I noticed that I had received that badge, but lost the badge for "Cody Challenge Master." I thought that maybe my solution had been messed up because of a change in one of the test suites that my solution missed, as this has happened a number of times on other problems. According to the text underneath the badge icon, I've still solved all 96 of the questions in the Cody Challenge. All of the problems listed as part of that challenge are still marked as "Solved." Has anyone else run into this issue?
- the names defined as "keywords" do not in themselves involve function calls to publicly visible routines. These keywords currently include 'break', 'case', 'catch', 'classdef', 'continue', 'else', 'elseif', 'end', 'for', 'function', 'global', 'if', 'otherwise', 'parfor', 'persistent', 'return', 'spmd', 'switch', 'try', 'while'. There is no functional form of any of these: for example, one cannot use global(s) to declare the name contained in the variable "s" to be global. (However, you can define an "end" method; https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/matlab_oop/object-end-indexing.html )
- scalar numeric double precision real-valued constants are handled at parse time, including unary plus and unary minus in front of them
- scalar numeric double precision constants followed immediately by "i" or "j" create a complex-value constant at parse time, including unary plus and unary minus in front of them
- whether a complete complex constant with real and imaginary part is handled at parse time is unknown
- literal character vectors and string objects are handled at parse time
- in sufficiently new versions, int64() and uint64() around an integer constant is handled at parse time. This was a change from previous versions which handled it at run time (after the integer had been converted to double precision...)
- whether any other casts such as uint16() or logical() are now handled at parse time is unknown
- assignment of a compete variable (no indexing, no substructure references, etc.) to a plain variable (no indexing, no substructure references, etc.) does not involve any function calls to publicly visible routines (unless I have overlooked a case involving objects)
- "if" or "while" applied to a scalar logical constant or to a scalar logical variable does not involve any function calls to publicly visible routines. However, it is not known whether there is any method to construct a logical value without calling a MATLAB routine: "true" and "false" are MATLAB routines, not constants, and logical() of a numeric constant might be handled at run time
- "for" in which the range is named as a scalar constant or scalar variable do not involve any function calls to publicly visible routines; for example, "for K = 5"
- defining an anonymous function does not involve any function calls to publicly visible routines
Accelerating the pace of engineering and science.