
版本 1.0.0 (2.1 KB) 作者: Ian Ammerman
Uses bisection and newtons method to find all function zeros on a given interval.
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更新时间 2023/9/15


% Written By: Ian Ammerman
% Written: 9/15/23
% findZero(func,a,b) finds the root of func on the interval a,b. If multiple
% roots are present on the interval, new sub-intervals are defined and
% solved individually. The bi-section method is employed to a tolerance of
% 10^-2 and Newton's method is used for final convergence to 10^-6
% findZero(func,a,b,'ShowFigure',true) plots the function over the given
% interval along with the located roots.
% findZero(func,a,b,'Tolerance',tol) defines the tolerance for Newton's
% method convergence. Default is 10^-6


Ian Ammerman (2024). findZero (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索来源 .

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创建方式 R2023b
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