CCS Toolbox

版本 (8.7 KB) 作者: Marc Molinari
Interfaces Matlab to the Microsoft Compute Cluster Server via XML
898.0 次下载
更新时间 2008/1/15


The CCS Toolbox for Matlab is a simple interface from Matlab to the Microsoft Compute Cluster Server. It allows job submissions from the Matlab environment.

The jobs are described entirely as Matlab data structures.


% create a job and assign a name
j = ccsjob;
j.Name = 'My CCS job';
j.Project = j.Name;

% create a task and assign name, execute command, and work directory:
t = ccstask;
t.Name = 'mytask';
t.CommandLine = 'run.bat';
t.WorkDirectory = '\\cluster\myfolder';

% assign task to job
j.Tasks(1) = t;

% write job to xml submission file
jobfilename = 'myjobsubmission.xml';
ccs_create_submission_file(j, jobfilename);

% submit job to CCS cluster
clusterHeadNode = 'cluster-hn';
system(['job submit /exclusive:false /jobfile:', jobfilename, ' /scheduler:', clusterHeadNode]);


Marc Molinari (2024). CCS Toolbox (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索来源 .

MATLAB 版本兼容性
创建方式 R2006b
Windows macOS Linux
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