Fast InPolygon detection MEX

Fast detection points inside a polygonal region
2.8K 次下载
更新时间 2008/8/21


Fast detection points inside a polygonal region.
To my knowlegde, the code is faster than all the inpolygon functions found on MatLab File Exchange

[IN,ON,IN_strict] = InPolygon(px,py,cx,cy);

input: px - nPM x nPN (Matrix) X-coordinates of the points to be tested
py - nPM x nPN (Matrix) Y-coordinates of the points to be tested
cx - nC x 1 (Vector) X-coordinates of the polygon
cy - nC x 1 (Vector) Y-coordinates of the polygon
IN - boolean matrix of 1 if px(i,j),py(i,j) is
in or on the polygon defined by cx,cy
ON - boolean matrix of 1 if px(i,j),py(i,j) is
on the polygon defined by cx,cy
IN_strict - boolean matrix of 1 if px(i,j),py(i,j) is
exclusively in the polygon defined by cx,cy


Guillaume JACQUENOT (2024). Fast InPolygon detection MEX (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索来源 .

MATLAB 版本兼容性
创建方式 R14
Windows macOS Linux
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版本 已发布 发行说明

Two bugs fixed