
版本 (5.2 KB) 作者: Jack Kohoutek
Extends the MATLAB command trisurf() to put a contour plot below the mesh.
1.8K 次下载
更新时间 2009/9/10


编者注: Darren Engwirda is a co-author

[cout,hout] = trisurfc(xin,yin,zin,N)

Regularly just called by with the following syntax to produce a plot:
Where xin,yin,zin are 1-D arrays of the x,y,z triples of the points in your mesh.

Contouring and surface function for functions defined on triangular meshes
xin, yin, zin, are arrays of x,y,z values of the points for your surface.
So [x(1) y(1) z(1)] defines the first point, etc.
The last input N defines the contouring levels. There are several options:
N scalar - N number of equally spaced contours will be drawn
N vector - Draws contours at the levels specified in N

A special call with a two element N where both elements are equal draws a single contour at that level.

[C,H] = TRISURFC(...)
This syntax can be used to pass the contour matrix C and the contour handels H to clabel by adding clabel(c,h) or clabel(c) after the call to TRICSURFC.

Contour line code by Darren Engwirda - 2005
Updated 15/05/2006
Surface code added by Jack Kohoutek - 2009


Jack Kohoutek (2025). trisurfc (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索时间: .

MATLAB 版本兼容性
创建方式 R2008a
Windows macOS Linux
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参考作品: Contours for triangular grids

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版本 已发布 发行说明

Adding Darren Engwirda as a second author. Thanks.

Just updated the desc.