Rotor Dynamics toolbox (RotFE)

版本 (624.0 KB) 作者: Izhak Bucher
Toolbox models rotating, elastic shafts with disks
7.5K 次下载
更新时间 2010/8/26


The toolbox implements a simple (Timoshenko) beam with rigid disks. The model computes the eigenvectos (modes) at various speeds of rotation incorporating various effects like gyroscopics, stiffness of bearings.
The results are presented using 2d and 3d graphics.

Please use this package for educational purposes only, I do not support industries (with this free code) and do not support ministries of ‘energy’ anywhere.
Students are welcome to ask questions and I will do my best to help beginners researching rotordynamics.
Please do not send long assignments to me because this would mean I will have less time to ride my mountain bike....
This software package was written mostly during the summers of 1995,1998 (and some bugs are thus 10 years old :-)
Do not despair! Some parts work correctly and the graphics is reasonably nice. I use the package myself during teaching (rotordynamics).

More seriously, I get occasional requests to send this package to people worldwide therefore I have decided to put it back onto the Mathworks users’ area.

It would be nice to be acknowledged (even by an email) when you create nice graphics/results/publication etc. with this package.

1) Unpack the package, maintain directory structure
2) cd to /Rotfe25x in Matlab
3) type rotfeini (in Matlab) to add all the underneath directory to the path
4) run the demo (slow) by typing demo_rotfe
5) run the torsional vibration demo (somewhat incomplete, sorry) - tst_rotany.m
6) edit an example model, e.g. simple4s.m, run it using :
a. modeplot2 simple4s (use buttons to compute and manipulate display)
b. compute and display the Campbell diagram ( via:
campbell simple4s,
zoom with the mouse to see the lower frequency range
Good luck and enjoy
Izhak Bucher,


Izhak Bucher (2024). Rotor Dynamics toolbox (RotFE) (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索来源 .

MATLAB 版本兼容性
创建方式 R2008a
Windows macOS Linux
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